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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Curling in the USA before 1832

Last week we established who, how and when the Orchard Lake Curling Club was declared the first in the USA.  This week we will discuss curling in the USA before 1832.

1892  New York Times article on January 25, 1892:  “Away back in the colonial days one reads of curling as being quite a popular sport during the Winter, and history states that about a century ago some Scotsmen of New York used to curl on “rinks” on the two ponds near the city in what is now known as “the swamp”, or leather region, and between the rope walk and the Boston highway (ed. Note:  now called Broadway), or in the centre of the present Sixth Ward (ed. note:  Five Points).”

1895 New York Times article on November 17, 1895:  “Curling used to be played in this city, seventy-five years ago, where the busy thoroughfare of Canal Street now is, by members of the St. Andrews Society, when they could get so far uptown for an afternoon’s pastime.”

The main source to the 1895 article was Mr. David Foulis, secretary of the Grand National CC.  The same man who had declared the OLCC as first.  Huh?  He changed his mind?  He discovered new information?

1904  In the book ‘Curling in Canada and the United States’ by John Kerr, the author offers a story where and when curling began without mentioning the discrepancy with his previous book written in 1890.  His source is the same Mr. David Foulis who had written another article for an American magazine in 1899.  Mr. Kerr wrote:  “The game used to be played some eighty years ago in New York City, where the busy thoroughfare of Canal Street is now.  It was there the members of the St. Andrew Society would go for an afternoon’s pastime, when they could get so far up town.”

The pond mentioned in the above articles was called The Collect Pond.  It was a body of fresh water used by the early inhabitants of the island of Manhattan.  In the 18th century, the pond was used as a picnic area during the summer and skating and, apparently, curling during the winter.  However as the city grew and expanded the pond was used by tanneries, breweries and slaughterhouses.  By the early 1800’s New York City had transformed the sparkling waters into a communal open sewer. Disgusted, local authorities initiated a project to fill the sewer with earth from an adjacent hill. In 1805, in order to drain the garbage-infested waters, designers opened a forty-foot wide canal that today is known as Canal Street.  By 1811, the City had completed the filling of Collect Pond; therefore any and all curling happened here before 1811.  Sorry Orchard Lake CC, you lose your title. 

The Collect Pond derived its name from seventeenth century Dutch settlers, who called it “kolch” meaning “small body of water”. Following the English capture of New Amsterdam (1664), the name was corrupted to “collect.” 

This raises a new question…Is it possible that the Dutch settlers and not the Scotch were the first men to curl on the Collect Pond?  Wow.  That would open up a whole new can of worms.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Orchard Lake Curling Club

If asked, every American curler and many Canadian curlers would name The Orchard Lake Curling Club as the first in The USA.  How did the OLCC get this distinction and was it rightfully obtained? 

1845  The oldest reference to these curlers that we have found was in the February 27, 1845 issue of the Detroit Democratic Free Press – they were referred to as The Curlers of Orchard and Pine Lakes.  Also called the Lakes Club.

1868  An article about the Dow family of West Bloomfield written in about 1985 states: “the Records of The Orchard Lake Curling Club, transcribed from the old book by John P. Wilson, December 1868.  The OLCC dates to January 2, 1832, where a few Scotchmen neighbors were invited to meet ‘to celebrate the advent of the New Year’.  Their thoughts naturally reverting to Scotland’s manly game.  In the absence of the ‘channel-stane’, they had recourse to hickory blocks.  The first game was played on Orchard Lake January 7, 1832.  The sides were:  William Gilmour, Skip, Dr. Robert Burns, and George Dow; the other team:  James Miller, Skip, William Dow, John Dow and Peter Dow.”  (Ed. Note:  This ‘old book’ is supposed to be at the Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society in Pontiac, but they were unable to locate it on the day this author visited, nor have they found it since that visit).

Numerous discrepancies can be found within the article above and its references.  First, Dr. Wilson had apparently transcribed the club minutes 36 years after the fact; second,  Dr. Wilson was born in 1828 making him 4 years old during this first match; third, Peter Dow who apparently played was only 9 years old!!  Therefore, Dr. Wilson’s writings were only transcribed memories of other people.  I do not know about you, but, I have a difficult time remembering details back 30-40 years ago.

Sidebar:  William Gilmour, mentioned above, was very active in the Underground Railroad – helping people escape from slavery.  His house at 4121 Pontiac Trail Road contained secret chambers to hide people. 

1867  The Grand National Curling Club formed.  The OLCC joins the GNCC sometime before 1876.

1880  At the GNCC Annual Meeting, Mr. David Foulis (Secretary) submitted the following as part of his report:  “Gentlemen and Brother Curlers, … In searching for the “Mither Club” of the United States, I found it not in any of the centres of civilization, but away back in the wilds of Michigan, on the banks of Orchard Lake, where fifty years ago (ed. Note:  1830), eight hardy Scots organized the OLCC, using hickory blocks for want of their native whinestane.  This club has had an unbroken record ever since, two of the original eight being active members – a conclusive proof of the benefit to be derived from the practice and associations of the game of curling”.

How did he make this claim?  How did he do his research?  No internet.  No Google.  Well, I guess he could interview all the member clubs of the GNCC.  Rather limited research sample.  There were many curling clubs in the Midwest that never joined the GNCC.

1890  This claim becomes etched in history when the world renowned author on curling (John Kerr) published The History of Curling in 1890.  The author quotes past reports from the secretary of the GNCC (David Foulis) on curling in the United States:  “…The oldest club is the Orchard Lake Club organized about the year 1830 by eight hardy Scotsmen away in the wilds of Michigan, on the banks of the lake from which the club took its name.”

The story that the OLCC was first in the USA has been printed, quoted and misquoted over and over and over in books, news articles and across the Internet on curling club webpages around the world.  I think we are seeing an example of a legend becoming the fact.

The question remains:  Were the Scots of Orchard Lake the first to curl in the USA?  This author says:  ‘No’.  Next week we will unveil some recently discovered writings on curling in the USA long before 1832.  Stay tuned…

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Car Curling

Hilarious video on You Tube...  click HERE.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Stranger Than Friction

During every curling game you have played or watched the laws of physics are not merely bent but appear to be broken.  A key component to curling is the curl.  You all know that putting a slight clockwise turn on the delivered stone will make the stone curl to the right.  A counterclockwise twist will send the stone to the left.

That’s all fine and good, except that the basic laws of physics say the stone should curl in the opposite direction.

Don’t believe me?  Go to your kitchen.  Take a drinking glass, turn it upside down and slide it clockwise across your counter-top.  (Wait!  Maybe you should do this on the floor.)  You will see that the glass “curls” to the left.  Magic?  No.  As the glass slides along, the front of the glass is made heavier by the energy of its slide and its rotation.  As it turns clockwise the force of friction pushes the glass in the opposite direction. 

But, this does not play out with a curling stone, which has a raised circular ridge along the bottom, similar to the rim of the drinking glass.  This mystery has pit physicist against physicist.  One theory claims that the weight of the stone and the force of its slide heats and partially melts the ice.  This creates a micro-thin layer of water that reduces friction at the front of the stone.  Because the force of friction is now stronger at the back of the stone it curls in the opposite direction.

The other group theorizes that the pebble on the ice causes the curl.  As the front edge of the stone crosses the ice, it "machines off" the top of the pebble. This causes the stone to pivot around the crushed pebbles and curl in the direction where the angular momentum is higher.  
Do you recognize this man? (This picture has nothing to do with the article above)

(Thanks to the Columbus Dispatch for writing the original article)