We published an article in March 2013 about the apparent loss of curling stones destined for The Detroit
Curling Club. We tried to prove that
this old story at The Club was more fiction than truth. You can read that story by ClickingHere.
On December 20, 2014 a member of
the Wausau Curling Club posted a comment to the above article: “Interesting, a similar story has floated
around the Wausau Curling Club only that we lost stones destined for Wausau...
maybe somebody lost some somewhere... but who?” This person suggested that we read the History
of the Wausau Curling Club House, Hack
and Hog Line published in 1986, page 19:
…”Some stories claim that America’s
entry into the war was hastened by the sinking of an English freighter carrying
a full load of Scotch whiskey and a set of matched curling stones destined for Wausau. Unfortunately, we cannot verify this because the
minutes of the years when this alleged to have happened are missing. It makes a nice story, however, and we will
do nothing to debunk it.”
On page 20 a story about a new
facility continues: …”With 4 sheets of ice available…something had to be done
about stones. Thirty-two pairs were
ordered at the end of 1946, and the club started a “stone fund”. … The
new stones arrived in time to start play in 1948.”
Seems strange that the club lost
stones before the war and then raised money and ordered a new set long after
the war. So, we did a little
investigating in old issues of The North American Curling News. The February 1, 1947 issue contained a very
detailed article New Quarters of Wausau Curling Club by Lee Duncan, Secy. We will reprint some of the article below.
“The club’s new quarters are in
Marathon Park. The building was designed
by Ing Horgen city park supervisor, and Charles Symmons, president of Marathon
county agricultural society. Both men
are directors of the curling club.
“In 1946 President Plier and
others began to mull over the problem of what to do with an increasing membership
particularly when the supply of available curling stones was diminishing rapidly. Individual members had seen the alleged advantage
of owning their own stones and had bought up all unclaimed stones and were
purchasing new stones as rapidly as they were received. Members began removing the handles from the
stones and locked them in boxes, thus denying new members the privilege of
playing the game.
“President Plier conceived a plan
whereby the individuals owning stones would lend them to the curling club until
such a time as 32 matched sets could be obtained… The membership voted to
purchase all available stones. As a
result the club now has 32 pairs of stones allocated to the four sheets of ice,
matched as well as possible…the stones are numbered as to position…”
A second article from the January
1, 1949 issue declares: Jealous? Wausau Curlers Inspect Matched Stones. “…members are shown inspecting their
32 new sets of matched stones – ordered two years ago. The club, boasting 160 curlers and four
sheets of natural ice is pointing to record year.”
We apologize to those who would
prefer to believe the old stories, but this myth-buster feels that the Scotch stone
sinking sub never existed…though we would really like to find out if there is
another club out there with a similar story.
Best of curling to all,
Angus MacTavish
Bill Hunter from Kay's of Scotland has reported from across the Pond that he, too, has heard a similar story but that it was during WWI and not WWII. also, that the ship was a cruise liner and not a cargo ship. .....,,more to come